Apply Finish

I decided to apply a Tru-Oil finish on the ukulele.  After sanding to 600 grit, I  put a shellac wash coat  to seal the wood to prevent the darker color wood from staining the lighter wood. Tru-Oil application  is a simple process of wiping a thin layer of Tru-Oil on the surface and quickly wiping it off with a soft rag (I found coffee filters do a better job).  Two applications per day, let dry and repeat.  After 8 coats, I lightly sanded with 600 grit and added eight more coats. Then let the Ukulele finish dry for a week.  I was pleased with the shine on the finish; it really brings out the character of the mahogany.  After that the ukulele can be polished to a high sheen.  I chose not to polish because I wanted to complete the uke  and hear  it's sound.
